
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go; Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same...Flavia Weedn"

Friday, October 7, 2011

Still Loving YOU

There story was happen 5 year ago...I’ve fall in love with someone whom said he love me.
He make a promise, what was happen he will be there stay with me....but now it’s  over... should play the song by Gerath Gates ?? Say it isn’t so.... My beloved give me this song and hope that will be better in our future' say it isn’t so. Yeah...sometime I always hope nothing was happen and until the end, we will live happily ever after.

My request is it so hard?? I always hope I’ll be at your side until the end. But now I’ll change my minds. It so much better if I love you although I don't live with you because one day you see me and will said “That She, whom love me so much”. I’m so proud if you know about that...
Although you leave me alone, and find a new love...I always hope you always happy with your life. There is no reason I hate you because I love you more then I love myself. That sound so funny right??? That who i am..haha

I’m crazy because I love you...
If you hate me, you can shoot me, please make sure you don’t shoot my heart's because that yours inside.
So many things were happen in these 5 years, so many until I also can’t remind it one by one...but I still remember that. Our love was beginning at 19, 08.05...and 19 mean 15 + 4 (that is our birthday). I always hope we will get married at 19...December because we were born in this month. So funny I’m...
Our far so good, but our happy days can't stay until the end...

So many trouble was happen one by one, we can’t handle that problem and that make our choose to break up. It’s really no way for us to settle this problem?? I already choose you and no matter what was happen I will forgive you because I’m also not a perfect one. But you have choose to go........
That really make me sad, I was cried and cried because I don’t let you go. I know that is my faults, and I’m so make you in trouble.

In the future...I really don’t know what was happen, still blurring and I thought you so happy with your new life. If you happy with her, so why  should  I ask you to stay with me?? Because the important thing is your happiness is my happiness.
Still loving you...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kenapa Abang Cintakan Sayang ek???

Dalam satu kisah percintaan yang menarik. Sepasang suami isteri berjalan di tepi sebuah tasik yang indah. Kemudian mereka berhenti di sebuah bangku yang disediakan di tepi tasik. Kemudian si isteri bertanya kepada si suami. Ini dialog mereka
 Isteri : Mengapa abang menyukai saya? Mengapa abang cintakan saya?
 Suami : Abang tidak boleh menerangkan sebabnya, namun begitu abang memang menyayangi dan mencintai Sayang!
 Isteri : Abang tak boleh terangkan sebabnya? Bagaimana abang boleh katakan abang sayang dan cintakan saya sedangkan abang tidak boleh menerangkannya.
 Suami : Betul! Abang tak tahu sebabnya tetapi abang boleh buktikan bahawa abang memang cintakan Sayang!
 Isteri : Tak boleh beri bukti! Tidak! Saya hendak abang terangkan kepada saya sebabnya. Kawan-kawan saya yang lain yang mempunyai suami dan teman lelaki, semuanya tahu menerangkan mengapa mereka mencintai. Dalam bentuk puisi dan syair lagi. Namun begitu abang tidak boleh terangkan sebabnya.
 Si suami menarik nafas panjang dan dia berkata, “Baiklah! Abang mencintai Sayang sebab sayang cantik, mempunyai suara yang merdu, penyayang dan mengingati abang selalu. Abang juga sukakan senyuman manis dan setiap tapak Sayang melangkah, di situlah cinta Abang bersama Sayang!”
 Si isteri tersenyum dan berpuas hati dengan penerangan suaminyan. Namun begitu selang beberapa hari si isteri mengalami kemalangan dan koma. Si suami amat bersedih lalu berkata kepada isterinya walaupun isterinya masih dalam keadaan koma kerana si suami tahu bahawa isterinya tetap mendengar,
 “Sayang! Jika disebabkan suara aku mencintai mu… sekarang bolehkah engkau bersuara? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintaimu.
 Jika disebabkan kasih sayang dan ingatan aku mencintai mu…sekarang bolehkah engkau menunjukkannya? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintaimu.
 Jika disebabkan senyuman aku mencintai mu… sekarang bolehkah engkau tersenyum? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkan setiap langkah aku mencintaimu…. sekarang bolehkah engkau melangkah? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.
 Jika cinta memerlukan sebabnya, seperti sekarang. Aku tidak mempunyai sebab mencintai mu lagi. Adakah cinta memerlukan sebab? Tidak! Aku masih mencintai mu dulu, kini, selamanya dan cinta tidak perlu ada sebab. Kadangkala perkara tercantik dan terbaik di dunia tidak boleh dilihat, dipegang. Namun begitu… ia boleh dirasai dalam hati.”
 Maka menitis lah air mata si isteri yang masih dalam keadaan koma itu….. 

Cinta sejati tidak bertambah kerana kebaikan dan tidak berkurang kerana kekurangan....

P/S Begitulah kasih sayang saya kepada awak...tanpa sebab, sebab itu walau apa terjadi saya tetap cintakan awak dulu, sekarang dan selamanya...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Senario Perkahwinan

Cerita 1
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Jom kita pergi 'shopping'"
Suami: "Jom...dari duduk di rumah, bosan pulak.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Jom kita pergi 'shopping'"
Suami: "Abang ada hal lain kali yek.."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Jom kita pergi 'shopping'"
Suami: "Abang penat laaa....Ayang pergi sendiri la...."

Cerita 2
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Ayang mengandung"
Suami: "Abang tak sabar nak lihat anak kita.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Abang tolong buat susu anak..."
Suami: "Abang mengantuk la...Ayang buat la..."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Cuba awak tegur anak tu sikit..."
Suami: "Haiii...anak awak...awak ajelah yang tegur..."

Cerita 3
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa?"
Suami: "Apa yang ayang inginkan.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa?"
Suami: "Setiap tahun saya berikan...tak cukup lagi ke?"
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri: "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa?"
Suami: "Tak payah le hadiah-hadiah..."

Cerita 4
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri:" Hari ini kita makan di kedai ye..."
Suami:" problem.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri:" Hari ini kita makan di kedai ye..."
Suami:"Awak tak boleh masak ke?"
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Hari ini kita makan di kedai ye..."
Suami: " Lebih baik kawin lain yang boleh masak untuk abang"

Cerita 5
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri:" Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami:" problem.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri:" Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami:" Saya penat, awak jelah yang buat.."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri:" Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami: " Awak tak boleh buat kee.."

Cerita 6
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Ayang tak pandai masak.."
Suami:" problem.."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Ayang tak pandai buat rendang"
Suami:" Awak ni pemalas la...
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri: " Ayang tak pandai buat kek.."
Suami: "Mok ko tu...dari dulu tak pandai masakkk..."

** Renung-renungkan la...kadangkala penceraian berlaku bukan disebabkan hal yang besar..tapi disebabkan oleh hal yang kecil yang sering berlaku secara berulang-ulang yang menimbulkan rasa bosan kepada setiap pasangan... Tak kan disebabkan hal yang kecil pun nak berpisah kot? ..tapi itu tiada yang mustahil apabila fikiran dh tak waras kan ??? Apa-apa pun janganlah jadikan ia sebagai alasan untuk berpisah, sebaliknya ingat-ingatlah kebaikan yang pernah dilakukan oleh pasangan agar perhubungan kekal bahagia...( n,n )

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Say It Isn't So

Skies are dark it's time for rain
Final call you board the train
Heading for tomorrow
I wave goodbye to yesterdays
Wipe the tears you hide your face
Blinded by the sorrow

How can I be smiling like before
When baby, you don't love me anymore

Say it isn't so
Tell me you're not leaving
Say you changed your mind now
That I am only dreaming
That this is not goodbye
This is starting over
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go
So say it isn't so

Ten to five atleast we tried
We're still alive but hope just died
As they close the door behind you
Whistle blows and tons of steel
Shake the ground beneath the wheels
As I wish I never found you

How can I be smiling when you're gone
Will I be strong enough to carry on

Miles and miles to go before I can say,
Before I can lay my love for you to sleep
Oh, darling oh
I got miles and miles to go
Before anyone will ever hear
Me laugh again

My Love Story

Do you know about love??? Sometimes it’s so hard, but sometimes it so nice and I really like this feeling. Your heart will beat faster when you saw someone you love...

Actually, I also have someone who I love....I really love him.... Firstly I’m not sure whether I’m really love him or not, but after lose him, I really sure I can’t life without him. That why, I want to remind you, if you love someone please make sure you keep it until the end. Please do not do a stupid thing like what I’ve done. It will make your regret whole in your life. Sometime, we try to be the best couple in this world but, we still don’t know what was happening in our future.

When I in Upper 6 (High school)...I’ve offer from Kolej Tun Datu Haji Bujang to futher my study's. I've to go with my friend because my parents can’t come with me...that was really sad time, but I already know to live independence. That so hard because my result in science side not so well, so I need to transfer to other school was offer an art. Then I've to transfer to school in Bintulu area. Bintulu is my towns and I love it. 

The word I always remember is “Sekolah pun mahu di Bintulu jugak, nanti kawin dengan orang Bintulu jugak” my teacher's said. In that time my friend and i just laughing heard that word. I really don’t think I’ll fall in love with someone who lives at Bintulu. Because I know, one day I will go out from Bintulu. And that true, now I’m not at Bintulu...but at Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. See...I’ll be there!!

I don’t know, the first time at my new school was changing my life in future....sadness or happiness?? Still don't know...
The story was begun 5 year ago...I’ve fall in love with someone whom said he love me.

He make a promise, what was happen he will be there stay with me....but now it’s over... should play the song by Gerath Gates ?? Say it isn’t so.... My beloved give me this song and hope that will be better in our future' say it isn’t so. Yeah...sometime I always hope nothing was happen and until the end, we will live happily ever after.

My request is it so hard?? I always hope I’ll be at your side until the end. But now I’ll change my minds. It so much better if I love you although I don't live with you because one day you see me and will say “That She, whom loves me so much”. I’m so proud if you know about that...

Although you leave me alone, and find a new love...I always hope you always happy with your life. There is no reason I hate you because I love you more then I love myself. That sound so funny right??? That who I am...haha

I’m crazy because I love you...
If you hate me, you can shoot me, please make sure you don’t shoot my heart's because that yours inside. So many things were happen in these 5 years, so many until I also can’t remind it one by one...but I still remember that. Our love was beginning at 19, 08.05...and 19 mean 15 + 4 (that is our birthday). I always hope we will get married at 19...December because we were born in this month. So funny I’m...

Our far so good, but our happy days can't stay until the end...So many trouble was happen one by one, we can’t handle that problem and that make our choose to break up. It’s really no way for us to settle this problem?? I already choose you and no matter what was happen I will forgive you because I’m also not a perfect one. But you choose to go.....

That really make me sad, I was cried and cried because I don’t let you go. I know that is my faults, and I’m so make you in trouble. 

In the future...I really don’t know what was happen, still blurring and I thought you so happy with your new life. If you happy with her, so why should I ask you to stay with me?? Because the important thing is your happiness is my happiness.
Still loving you...

Friday, September 17, 2010


In March this year I attended a course in Johannesburg, South Africa. After two weeks it was time for me to go back home (Namibia). Even though I woke up early and took a taxi to the airport I still missed my flight, and I automatically missed my connecting flight from the capital city Windhoek to my home town of Oranjemund. Thus I had to spend the night in Windhoek to catch the next flight out.  Within hours of landing in Windhoek my Mother phoned me and said my niece was critically ill with malaria and they had been rushed to the State hospital in Windhoek. It was then that I understood why I had missed my flight. We prayed for my niece and to the Doctors disbelief as her case of malaria was very severe and caught late, today she is as healthy, playful and chirpy as any 5 year old.


This is my miracle story. Last year my grandmother who took care of me my whole life became really ill. I was called by my sister who asked me to ride with her to see our grandmother and say good-bye. When arriving at the hospital we were greeted by our whole family. Everyone sobbing saying this was it grandma was leaving us. My grandmother is 86 years old so it wasn't a huge shock to my husband that she would be ready to die. I did not feel like she nor I were ready. I went in to see her and I sobbed. She grabbed my hand and said she loved me and that she would be fine. She was put on a breathing machine that night and signed off support two days later. She got better and did not die like everyone thought. I knew she was going to be fine. I was the only one who knew. We had a 4th of July party this weekend and she was there to eat and laugh with us. My grandmother and I have a wonderful bond along with my sister. I will know when she is ready to go I know she will make sure I am ready. That is my miracle.